Saturday, May 22, 2010

Meet the owner of the New Jersey Nets

Mark Cuban has met his match as the most interesting owner in the NBA, meet New Jersey Net's owner Mikhail Prokhorov. He is a man with a lot of money, a billionaire (39th richest man in the world) and has big plans for the Nets. He is the first non-American owner of an NBA franchise and he stands among the players at 6-7. He has already agreed to pay 1/2 of the new stadium to be built in Brooklyn where the Nets plan to move to in the next few years. He is known for his lavish lifestyle and he will bring that flair to the NBA. There is a quiet yet commanding presence about the Russian billionaire. He has the resources to build a great NBA franchise and I'm sure he's already already had dinner with Lebron James. If you haven't heard of him yet, you will soon.

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