Saturday, June 5, 2010

Classy Men in Baseball

The infamous call that caused Armando Gallaraga a perfect game could of had an ugly aftermath. The MLB could of panicked and instituted immediate instant replay rule changes. There could have been lawsuits filed, picketers outside the MLB office and a media war against umpires. None of that happened, because men stayed classy. Classier than I can ever remember.

Here is a fans perspective of the biggest missed call in MLB history:

Umpire Jim Joyce admitted his mistake and went out of his way to apologize to Gallaraga after the game. Gallaraga responded by acknowledging human beings make mistakes and thats just the nature of the game. It doesn't get classier than that, especially considering you would of been immortal in the world of baseball perfect game lore.

Gallaraga was even awarded with a brand new Corvette by the Detroit Tigers for his kindness which was presented by none other than Jim Joyce. Stay Kind my friends.

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