Sunday, March 28, 2010

Your turn, Barry.

Several months ago, Mark McGwire confirmed the long suspicions of MLB fans as he admitted to his use of steroids during a hall of fame career. Such acts are coward but I commend Mr. McGwire for coming out with the truth. It will damper his chances of getting in to the MLB Hall of Fame but I imagine that he now sleeps better every night. As the new batting coach of the St. Louis Cardinals, he also gains the respect of his players & the reconciliation process is already underway.

There is now one more hall of fame career whose word we await, Barry Bonds. Unlike Mark McGwire, who never denied steroid use (just actively chose to never discuss it), Barry Bonds has furiously denied steroid use. His career numbers are representative of a player who received a "significant boost" towards the end of his career. He claims "hard work" was the reason for consecutive MLB seasons. We will see, but we expect an explanation soon.

Were still waiting for the dress to come off.

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